Got some gear to sell? We’re excited to check it out!
At Jim's Music, we offer a transparent buying process and competitive value for your used gear

Bring In Your Instrument
While we can give you a general idea based on what you share, we’ll need to see your items in person to make solid offers or evaluations. Swing by any of our four locations to get started! Want a quick idea of our interest before making the trip? Just fill out our Instrument Info form, and we’ll get back to you shortly!

Get An Appraisal
We'll check-in your gear and look it over for condition, authentication, and rarity. Our techs will usually get back to you with a free appraisal within a few days. Official written appraisals are available for an extra charge.

Sell or Consign
If we're intersted, you can choose to either sell us your gear at an agreed upon price, or put it on consignment. Once your gear sells, you'll get paid! (see more details about our consignment process below)

At Jim's Music, we offer a convenient consignment option for selling your musical instruments and equipment. You have the freedom to set the price for your items, allowing you to get the value your instruments deserve. To give your gear the best chance of finding a new home, our consignment period requires a minimum of 45 days and our consignment fee is 30%.* Our straightforward consignment process is designed to benefit both sellers and buyers in our musical community!
*Rate subject to change for high-end and vintage instruments.
We're always on the lookout for high-quality pianos to enhance our collection. However, with our full showroom and the current market for acoustic and upright pianos, we’re selective about the instruments we can accept. If you have a piano you’d like us to consider, please click the button below to complete our Instrument Info form with detailed information. Our team will review your submission and respond shortly.